About Celebrant Weddings
If you’re still weighing up your options, you might like to know more about what a celebrant wedding is and how it differs to registrar or civil wedding ceremonies.
Celebrant-led weddings are often referred to as Humanist weddings, secular weddings or blessings. They are an alternative to registrar or church weddings and are a modern take on the tradition of weddings.
The main difference is freedom
With a celebrant-led wedding there are no restrictions. They can happen between anyone, any time, anywhere and any how.
Because of this they are often favoured by those looking for an alternative wedding ceremony and also by same sex couples and gender fluid or non-binary couples.
Religious and registrar-led weddings use set formal language in order for them to be legally recognised and are usually restricted in time and location.
Freed from these restrictions, celebrant-led ceremonies can focus on telling the story of the couple in a place they hold dear (or just think is cool) and with added elements that might be frowned upon at more traditional weddings.
For these reasons celebrants are the go-to for alternative, laid back, themed and outdoor weddings in particular.
celebrant, civil and religious wedding comparison
Have to take place at a church, chapel or other registered religious building*
Some religious organisations do not allow same sex couples to get married
The location must be registered for marriages of same sex couples*
Have to include certain formal wording
You may not get to choose who conducts the wedding
Are often limited in length and restricted to between certain hours.
Take place at registered locations only*
Have to include certain formal wording*
You may not get to choose who conducts the wedding
Are often limited in length and restricted to between certain hours
Cannot include anything that’s religious, such as hymns or readings from the Bible.*
Aren't legally binding.* That’s it!
Celebrant wedding legalities
Wait up, celebrant weddings aren’t legal?
No, you’ll still have to have a legal wedding service either before or after your Big Day. But doing ‘the legal bit’ doesn’t have to be an all singing all dancing second wedding, you don’t need to choose songs, you don’t even need to book a room. Legally registering your marriage can be more of an administrative task, like registering a birth certificate.
You will need to give 28-days notice at your registry office before signing and two witnesses will need to be present on the day. But you can get legally married in a registry office from as little as £50.
why choose a celebrant wedding?
There are lots of reasons why you might want a celebrant wedding rather than a religious or civil wedding. For starters, any of the following might apply:
You’re having another wedding abroad or at another location
You want to get married outdoors or in a non-registered location
You’re coming together from two different faiths
You feel religious ceremonies don’t represent you
You feel excluded by religious groups
You don’t like the stuffy language used in civil ceremonies
You are nervous about the formal side of weddings and want to relax on your Big Day
You have some unique ideas about the kind of service you would like
You don’t want to feel rushed on your wedding day
You want the ceremony to be about you as a couple, not the legalities
Celebrant weddings aren’t about the piece of paper, they’re all about the sentiment and expression of love for one another. My services are laid-back, inclusive, full of joy and uniquely designed to reflect you.
Get in touch!
If you have any questions or would like to book a wedding ceremony with me, you can call 07734261359, email sussexsurreyceremonies@gmail.com or fill out a form below and I’ll get right back to you.
(* Except in Scotland)